Insolvency Australia

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Australia’s only Marketplace for Insolvency Solutions

Close to 700 Insolvency Professionals and Lawyers at your fingertips

Are you an insolvency professional? Find out about our services here

If you are a lawyer please click here

Don’t know where to start? Call Our FREE National Insolvency Helpline

IA National Insolvency Helpline

1300 360 800

What is Small Business Restructuring, and might it help my business?

Small Business Restructuring (SBR) is a formal process that allows financially distressed but viable small businesses to restructure their debts while remaining in control of their operations.

Find Insolvency Professionals to help now

Welcome to Insolvency Australia, the first and only online insolvency platform featuring the country’s ASIC Registered Liquidators and AFSA Registered Bankruptcy Trustees, and Insolvency Lawyers. They are standing by to help you through tricky times. Search, compare and connect with the professional who could help you NOW.

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Who needs help?

Insolvency Professionals offer advice to all those suffering from financial distress, and this may include:

When is help needed?

You should reach out NOW if there is an issue or will likely be an issue with any of the following when they become due:​

*  Please remember, the earlier you reach out for advice, the more options will be available to you to try and minimise the impact of the problem. Time and again we hear people say ‘….if only I had asked for help earlier…’

*  Please do not delay or ignore the issue. Find an advisor today.

Why Insolvency Australia?

1. Independent

Ownership and operation of Insolvency Australia is independent of all registered Liquidators, Bankruptcy Trustees, and Insolvency Lawyers listed on the site. Insolvency Australia offers all site users truly independent information to make their own informed choices.

2. Quality

Insolvency Australia only lists Lawyers or ASIC or AFSA registered specialists.

3. Free

The search, compare and connect facilities on the site are available for all, without charge for site users.

4. Unique

Insolvency Australia is the only website to offer a comprehensive search, compare and connect facility for users to review all ASIC Registered Liquidators and AFSA Registered Bankruptcy Trustees, and Insolvency lawyers.

5. User Focused

Choosing a specialist to assist during financial distress can be confusing and complex. Insolvency Australia provides company owners/directors, individuals and advisers a user-friendly experience to make the selection process more transparent, democratic and straightforward.

6. Supportive

Insolvency Australia recognises that personal stress associated with potential insolvency is real. We support Lifeline, which can provide specialist mental health support to anyone affected.

Find Registered Professionals to help now

Welcome to Insolvency Australia, the first and only online insolvency platform featuring the country’s ASIC Registered Liquidators and AFSA Registered Bankruptcy Trustees.
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How do you know if your company is at risk of becoming insolvent, or is already insolvent?

More Information About Insolvency

Welcome to Insolvency Australia, the first and only online insolvency platform featuring the country’s ASIC Registered Liquidators and AFSA Registered Bankruptcy Trustees and Insolvency Lawyers.

financial management logo

How do you know if your company is at risk of becoming insolvent, or is already insolvent?

debt icon

For Business Directors with Insolvency issues

person logo

For Business Advisers with clients in distress


How to Select a Professional

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For Insolvency professionals with services to offer

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How Insolvency Australia works

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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For Business Directors with Insolvency issues

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For Business Advisers with clients in distress


How to Select a Professional

financial graph

For Insolvency Professionals with services to offer

black logos

How Insolvency Australia works

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Other Information

Mental Health


IA National Insolvency Helpline: 1300 360 800
Don’t know where to start? Call Our FREE National Insolvency Helpline

We understand that experiencing insolvency can be a daunting and stressful experience. That’s why our independent team of highly qualified professionals is here to help you navigate through the process.  Whether you are involved in insolvency issues or you know of someone who is currently in an insolvent situation, please call our National Insolvency Helpline.
insolvency office Australia

Find The Right Professional

Close to 700 Insolvency Professionals and insolvency lawyers at your fingertips

How to use our Services

Insolvency Australia - A Basic Guide to Insolvency

Insolvency Australia - How the Site Works

Insolvency Australia Video -Information for Professionals

Get in touch today. Enquire below.

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